How much you will pay for a mortgage loan and even whether you can qualify for a mortgage will have a lot to do with your credit score. Higher credit scores will help you get the best terms possible while lower scores could keep you from your dream of hom
Mar 06, 2019 | Interest Rates Purchasing a Home
Going through a bankruptcy, either personally or with your business, can affect your ability to qualify for a mortgage. Your credit score may drop, and you may need to wait before applying for a home loan. It all depends on the size of your down payment a
Feb 27, 2019 | Mortgages Bankruptcy Apply
When you need a chunk of cash for a project, your home may be the best source of funding. Fortunately, you do not need to sell your home to take advantage of your equity. There are two popular and practical ways to pull cash out of your home: a cash-out r
Feb 20, 2019 | Refinancing a Home HELOC
You have found your dream house but it will take significant work to make it a home. You do not have cash in savings to pay for both a down payment and the repair costs. Not to worry - this is not a hopeless situation. Fortunately, there are two types of
Feb 13, 2019 | FHA Loans Purchasing a Home
If you have ever checked out the current status of mortgage interest rates, you may have seen the average points listed next to the rates. What are these points and how do they affect your interest rate? Points Defined Mortgage points, or discount point
Feb 06, 2019 | Interest Rates Conventional Loans Fixed Rate Mortgages
There is so much to do when buying a home, don't forget the details! SOME THINGS TO REMEMBER WHEN MOVING INTO YOUR NEW HOME CHANGE THE LOCKS You don't know the whereabouts of past tenants' keys. UPDATE YOUR ADDRESS For voter regis
Feb 05, 2019 |